This material is provided by the MamboPulse website for informational purposes only. The administration is not responsible for its content.
Free download of RIP site coderlaba [com] .
Free download of RIP site coderlaba [com] .
Author of the rip: Life-devouring
Template version under: dle 10.2
Installing the template:
1. upload the engine folder to the server with replacement files
2. open engine / ajax / profile.php // To display the user's login in profile_popup
$ tpl-> set ('{rate}', userrating ($ row ['user_id'] ));
below add
$ tpl-> set ('{author}', $ member_id ['name']);
3. Installing Fast-PM
Open engine / init.php file
Delete or comment out the code:
if ($ is_logged) {
set_cookie ("dle_newpm", $ member_id ['pm_unread'], 365);
if ($ member_id ['pm_unread']> intval ($ _COOKIE ['dle_newpm']) AND! $ smartphone_detected) {
include_once ENGINE_DIR. '/modules/pm_alert.php';
Open the file engine / modules / profile.php // To make the LAN send button work in the user profile
Find the line:
$ tpl-> set ('{pm}', "<a href = \" $ PHP_SELF? Do = pm & amp; doaction = newpm & amp; user = ". $ row ['user_id']." \ ">". $ lang ['news_pmnew']. "</a>");
Replace with:
$ tpl-> set ('{pm}', "<a href = \" $ PHP_SELF? Do = pm & amp; doaction = newpm & amp; user = ". $ Row ['user_id']." \ "Onclick = \ "fpm_to_user ('{$ row [' name ']}'); return false; \"> ". $ lang ['news_pmnew']." </a> ");
4. install the o-Rating 3 module [DLE 8.2 - 10.
0] during installation, do not touch the template files and do not upload files from the module there! upload and change only php files from the module.
5. like everything! For all questions, write to pm, if someone needs to rip other modules, write to pm.
This post appeared first on Mambo Pulse
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